Hi, I’m Philine

I am a UX researcher.

Let me introduce myself!

  • I embrace an empathetic and human-centred approach in my work.

  • My ‘nomadic’ lifestyle has taught me a deep appreciation for culture, as well as flexibility and optimism.

  • Presenting and public speaking gives me a buzz! I’m not known to shy away from an opportunity to share my thoughts with a crowd.

My methods include…

  • I have used A/B testing to assess the desirability and functionality of new design features before implementing these changes long term.

  • i have used card sorting sessions to help designers make informed decisions about information architecture.

  • I have used this method to assess a company’s current standing within the market, to identify any key strengths or weaknesses, and to make recommendations for impactful changes to the current design.

  • I have employed this method on multiple projects to identify best practices within the industry, compare how a current service aligns with these recommendations, and finally propose design changes to stakeholders.

  • Interviewing is one of my most practiced methods, and I believe there is value in incorporating interviews into projects where possible.

  • I have employed journey mapping to help visualise the high level processes that users move through when engaging with a company.

  • Observation is a great method to identify and analyse key user behaviours. A key strength of this method is that it produces naturalistic and valid data.

  • Surveys are a go-to method for addressing specific and defined questions.

  • I have employed SWOT analysis to visualise the current strengths and weaknesses of a company, and to identify opportunities and threats that can help or hinder the business looking forward.

  • Usability testing is a common step before launching new designs to assess how users understand and interact with a new design.

Examples of my work

Programmes that help me do my work.

I’d love to hear from you!

you can reach me via…
